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Croove - Car-Sharing by Mercedes
Dec 16, 2016 - 03:11:44 am

Unlike BMW’s Reach Now or Daimler’s car2go (they have car auto park to be shared), Mercedes launched Croove enables users share their own vehicles, all car brands included. The car-sharing service by Mercedes was launched in Munich and is a part of Case strategy. It is available on iOS platform but the company will be releasing Android and desktop versions soon too. People will be able to fill in the profile where they will describe their cars in details with every add on the vehicle has. Croove will estimate the car and provide the renting price. Every car submitted is required to be in proper working condition and be not older than 15 years. The rental person must be 21 years old and have driver’s license. When the car is rented the owner and the renter will meet to give the keys. The damage checklist is also built into the Croove app so, the owner will have no objections to the renter for previous crashes. Mercedes is currently improving the software to add a PIN-based keyless function.